To address priority development areas in the Self-Assessment Survey and hone teachers' skills through Project 3S, Malvar SHS conducted its In-Service Training, Feb. 6-10. Project 3S means Promoting Internet Safety and Financial Security Amidst Teachers' Social Responsibility. This was proposed by the Master Teachers led by Mr. Marvin M. Saludo, Learning and Development Coordinator. It aimed to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to continuously succeed in coping with the changes and challenges in teaching and learning. Moreover, it hoped to help them explore community linkages for both personal and professional growth as they face the challenges of the fast-paced digital world and meet their current financial needs. This five-day learning activity covered the following topics: The Teacher and the Community, Fundamentals of Data Privacy and Cyber Security, Financial Security: How Do You Get There?, E-Library, and Updates from the Guidance and Discipline Office. These topics were assigned to Mrs. Maria Diana D. Sales, Mr. Andrade M. Martirez and Mr. Ian Karlo D. Perilla, Ms. Princess Dianne P. Cuasay, Mr. Don Reyson M. Guino, and Mrs. Raquel M. Cruz and Ms. Joie Miranda, respectively. It was participated by 16 male and 37 female teaching personnel.
