School Based Management
1. Evaluation report of Learning materials
2. Inventory of available learning resources /inventory of needs-based learning resources
3. Feedback on the available learning resources
4. Records of utilization of available learning resources
5. Inventory of learning materials
6. Identified school projects/ Intervention per subject
7. Needs assessment for the teaching and learning outcomes
1. Contextualized learning materials
2. Performance level of learners
5. Strategic intervention materials concerning least mastered skills
6. Compilation of localized curriculum
7. Updated Inventory of LMs with analysis and interpretation of data
8. Project proposal on intervention material used
9. Least learned skills or competencies by grading period
1. List of interventions and innovations implemented
2. Action research on pedagogy and content/Action researches conducted focused on T-L process
3. Best practices on the development and implementation of innovative needs-based learning resources
5. Certification of sharing /adoption of best practices
6. Documentation of sharing best practices through benchmarking/adoption
7. Shared information on the localized materials with other community stakeholders
8. Parental involvement in the production of innovative needs based learning resources
9. Award and recognition system
10. Documentation of the adoption of best practices in developing needs-based learning resources