School Based Management
1. Learners performance profile
2. List of intervention or implemented programs for learner needs
3. Teaching learning support systems/PPAs implemented
4. Copy of professional development plan
5. Implementation report on teaching and learning support system
6. List of 4Ps
• Beneficiaries
• Anecdotal records
• Copy of performance
• Outputs of learners
12. ISWP Files
13. PPAs on curriculum and instruction
14. Technical assistance report
1. Monitoring tools in the conduct of Innovations/ intervention
2. Evaluation and monitoring results basis for action research
3. Appropriate teaching learning support system
4. Results of monitoring the use of crafted instructional materials
5. Implementation report on teaching learning support system
6. Development needs plan of diverse learners
7. Reports on classroom teaching and learning evaluation
8. Attendance during school activities
9. Progress. Monitoring report of learning outcomes
11. LAC session focused on teaching learning process
13. COT files focused on grouping pattern
14. RPMS
15. Copy of school action plan per learning area
16. Year-end reports
17. Minutes of meeting regarding collaboration with stakeholders on innovative teaching and learning
2. Consolidated report on the teaching-learning support system
3. Documentation of the intervention /innovation conducted
4. Continuously improved teaching learning support system through collaboration
5. Certification of sharing /adoption of best practices
7. Immersion
8. School Initiative exchange program
9. CI projects
11. LAC sessions focused om diversity of learners
12. COT Files
13. Report on CIP
14. Action research
15. Mentoring and coaching program
16. Documented partnership activities on improving teaching learning support system
17. School-based M&E
18. Action research on reported results and interventions